One expertise, one book!

Presentation by the author and debate around the theme of his book

The principle: Around a lunch, a convivial dinner or even more simply during a cocktail, open to about thirty participants, the author-director testifies, answers questions from the room. Often, three speakers are invited to present and discuss the theme of their book.

The event is aimed at leaders, decision-makers, executives-managers.

The 50 biggest criminal cases in our history

Major criminal cases have always fascinated the public and sparked passionate and exciting debates!

A few mythical criminal figures have left a lasting mark on our history. If they provoke such enthusiasm, it is because their crimes break all taboos, they are a compendium of human imperfections, and they remain a tremendous revealer of the strengths and weaknesses of our society… and of ourselves. Erected as “negative heroes”, these charismatic characters inspire dread and horror, doubt and mystery. Their complex and ambivalent personality, their exceptional and yet human history – which can echo our own life – shock us, repel us and attract us.

From the Companions of the Shell to the Clan of the Sea Breeze via Landru, the Bonnot gang or Mesrine, this beautifully illustrated book will immerse you in the heart of our criminal history. Anecdotes and portraits of criminals, but also of visionary police personalities, will lead you to the dark side of the human spirit…

Alain Bauer is professor of criminology at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (New York and Shanghai). He is also the adviser to various police forces or institutions around the world and the author of around fifty books translated into ten languages.

Christophe Soullez, academic, is the head
of the National Observatory of Delinquency and Penal Responses. He notably teaches at the Paris Institute of Political Studies and is the author of around fifteen books on security and the police.

978-2-7029-1530-1 19,90 e

The American Trap

Who knows ? Since the end of 2014 France has lost part of the control of its nuclear power plants to the benefit of the Americans.

My name is Frédéric Pierucci and I found myself, in spite of myself, at the heart of this state scandal. Former boss of one of ALSTOM’s subsidiaries, I know the underside of this 12 billion dollar thriller. After being forced into silence for a long time, I decided, with the journalist Matthieu Aron, to reveal them.

In April 2013, I was arrested in New York by the FBI and prosecuted for a corruption case. I did not receive a penny in this transaction, but the American authorities locked me up for more than two years – including fourteen months in a very high security prison.

A real blackmail to force Alstom to pay the most gigantic fine ever imposed by the United States, and to sell itself to General Electric, its big American competitor.

My story illustrates the secret war that the United States is waging against France and Europe by hijacking law and morality to use them as economic weapons. One after another, our societies (Alcatel, Total, Société Générale and soon others) are destabilized. In recent years, more than $14 billion in fines have been paid by our multinationals to the US Treasury. And that’s just the beginning…

Biography of Mr Frédéric PIERUCCI

Frédéric Pierucci (MSc ENSMA, MBA Columbia Business School) is a former ALSTOM executive with extensive international experience having lived and worked in China, the United States, Algeria, the United Kingdom, Singapore and in France.

Until mid-2013, he managed the “Boilers” business (ALSTOM Boilers) from Singapore, representing €1.4 million in turnover and 4,000 employees.

During a business trip to the United States in 2013, he was arrested by the FBI at JFK airport as he got off the plane, accused of “participating in alleged acts of corruption in Indonesia under a contract that ALSTOM obtained in 2003”.

With this experience and unique expertise, during this long affair, he created in 2015 IKARIAN, a consulting firm in strategic and operational compliance whose aim is to assist and advise its clients on the challenges that companies and their leaders are challenged to comply with the Foreign Corruption Practice Act (FCPA), the UK Bribery Act (UKBA), the Sapin 2 Act and other anti-corruption laws or standards such as ISO 37001.

IKARIAN has developed a unique approach to compliance by combining the expertise of high-level international executives, economic intelligence professionals and, if necessary, legal experts. IKARAN advises large and medium-sized companies in France and abroad.

The power of illusion

The keys to success

A woman sawn in half, a man flying through space? Impossible !

Yet the great illusionists manage to make us believe it. They are masters of the major art of persuasion. But it’s not a gift.

The art of persuasion is also based on specific techniques.

Jacques H. Paget, expert illusionist, opens the debate: why reserve this knowledge for illusion? Why not learn and apply methods in daily life and allow everyone to convince and succeed?

For the first time, a professional reveals the secret methods of persuasion specific to illusionism and explains to us how to apply them in our professional activities and our personal life.

These are undoubtedly the keys to success.



The power of mental strength to convince and negotiate

The Keys to Steel Morale

Finding the card a person thought of, anticipating the reactions or responses of an interlocutor, illusionists specialized in “mentalism” are now able to achieve this.

To win this brain-to-brain battle, these professionals have developed a deep knowledge of the human mind. And a particularly effective mental force.

How to regain the brain energy needed to overcome disappointment, sadness

and the difficulties of life?

How do you strengthen your brain and develop your mental strength?

This is what the new book by Jacques H. Paget offers which, after The Power of Illusion, explains to us, through concrete examples and experiences, how to build our mind of steel ready for any test.

The author’s revelations will allow you to discover a still totally unknown aspect of the illusionist’s profession and to appropriate what is not taught in any school or training: the strength of the mind.

Trained as a lawyer, expert in negotiations and international speaker, Jacques H. Paget has a solid background in illusionism. Adviser to business leaders on the psychological principles of persuasion used in high-level illusionism, he reveals to us in this new work secrets and processes from his knowledge and experience in a field where his reputation is widely recognized.

The power of fascination, the secrets of seduction

Many of us would like to have a wand, a philter or a magic power so that those to whom we speak are passionate about their words, their personality, what they do or the fields in which they would like to interest them.

How many would like to know the ideal method to seduce, convince and persuade?

How to maintain the interest of an audience when everything favors, nowadays, the dispersion of attention?

Who has never felt the urge to subjugate those around them? How to be the one on whom all eyes are on? Yet the answer to the question: “How to fascinate?”

was rarely explicit.
It is often assumed that this would only be reserved for those

possessing an innate gift, talent or predisposition.
What are the parameters that separate a self-effacing personality from the charisma of a star, whether in the media or within a specific profession such as lawyers,

journalists or doctors or anonymous?

Based on his knowledge acquired over more than thirty years allowing him to retain the attention of several thousand spectators for hours, Jacques H. Paget explains to us the methods which have enabled him to increase his ability to seduce his spectators. , on stage as well as on television, and to captivate the minds of multiple and varied audiences who have gradually built his reputation, Jacques H. Paget is the author of best-selling books (The Power of Illusion, The Power of Mental Strength) and international speaker on the transposition of methods specific to illusionism in the business world.

For a trust revolution

Reforming the school, refounding the company, transforming society, here are the three axes that structure Michel Hervé’s social project.

This book is a plea for the establishment of a true concerted democracy, built on trust between individuals. This model is not simply political, its strength is that it can be applied in companies, schools, universities, hospitals, families…

Michel Hervé has been experiencing this for more than 40 years, in his group organized in a concert mode. It proposes to radically transform management methods. But this internal overhaul of companies is not enough in itself. The school must also evolve, to train freer and more creative individuals.

Collaboration, creativity, collective intelligence, ecological thinking: if this virtuous circle is triggered, we will be ready for a trust revolution.

Michel Hervé is the founding president of Groupe Hervé (more than 3,000 employees, 21 subsidiaries). He has held various political posts, teaching at the University of Paris VIII, and founding the financial institute IDPC. Michel Hervé has also invested himself as president of the toy libraries of France or of democratic schools. His experiences and his interest in the human sciences have enabled him to build an innovative company that draws its strength from concerted management.

From the pyramid to the networks

Stories from an experience of participatory democracy

On an essential theme for the coming years, which visibly fascinates young people and Internet users – the exercise of real democracy in emblematic organizations such as business and the city, favored by the massive irruption of technologies of the information – the author tells the story and draws the lesson from an exceptional experience that he initiated and developed for nearly thirty years both as CEO of Hervé Thermique and mayor of Parthenay (Poitou-Charentes) . His candid, self-critical testimony recounts an unprecedented approach applied simultaneously with employees in the world of work, and with citizens in a territory. But what is remarkable is the voluntary questioning of this approach by a CNRSS researcher and by the actors directly involved. This “triple” and quite extraordinary book thus confronts the points of view of the pioneer, Michel Hervé, of his opponent, Alain d’Iribarne, and of the actors in the field gathered in the company and at the Ecole de Paris du management of Elisabeth Bourguinat. The whole is fascinating, lively, accessible, and reads like the true novel of an experiment in participatory democracy.

To be consulted imperatively by all those who are mobilized or repelled by the theme… Hierarchs, ideologues, small bosses and authoritarian bosses will hate… or convert!

Michel Hervé is the founding president of Groupe Hervé (more than 3,000 employees, 21 subsidiaries). He has held various political posts, teaching at the University of Paris VIII, and founding the financial institute IDPC. Michel Hervé has also invested himself as president of the toy libraries of France or of democratic schools. His experiences and his interest in the human sciences have enabled him to build an innovative company that draws its strength from concerted management.

A new era

Get out of the chef’s culture


Succeeding the tribal era and the monarchical era, a concerted era opened up about twenty years ago. This new era is characterized by horizontality, centrality, responsibility and innovative adaptation. A promise of openness, exchange and creation, it promotes attention to nature, social peace and personal fulfilment.

However, to be able to fully benefit from its fruits, we must adopt a mode of governance which guarantees, at each level of the exercise of power, both participation and representation, freedom and equality, fraternity and acentrality, holism and harmony, contrary to political and economic monarchy. This fractal mode of organization, valid both in business, in French society and on a global level, is concerted democracy.

Michel Hervé is the founding president of Groupe Hervé (more than 3,000 employees, 21 subsidiaries). He has held various political posts, teaching at the University of Paris VIII, and founding the financial institute IDPC. Michel Hervé has also invested himself as president of the toy libraries of France or of democratic schools. His experiences and his interest in the human sciences have enabled him to build an innovative company that draws its strength from concerted management.

power beyond power

innovative that draws its strength from concerted management.

Notebooks Joys and torments of a HRD


Preface by Roger Fauroux- Olivier Lecerf Prize 2008Academy of Moral and Political Sciences

Written in the form of a diary, this book by the HRD in charge of the management of Saint-Gobain group executives is a testimony and a reflection on the place of man in companies. Based on thousands of interviews with interlocutors of about sixty
of nationalities, the author entrusts us with some of the stories they experienced in order to analyze them, shed light on them and specify what is
the long work of listening and accompanying. He expresses his hesitations and doubts and gives us the convictions that guide him. This book highlights the tension between the imperatives of the law of profit and attention to each person – a tension that takes
the form of an inner struggle in those who care to remain faithful to these two poles of apparently contradictory requirements. In the joys and torments of this endless task, the image of the Other is gradually revealed, discreet but always present.

Xavier Grenet taught philosophy before joining Saint-Gobain in 1973. His career path has taken him from communication to the position of human resources director, notably in charge for many years of managing the group’s executives, in France and abroad. Now retired, he continues to perform HR consulting and several volunteer activities. A member of the MCC, the Christian Movement of Executives and Managers, of which he was president from 1990 to 1993, he is also involved in the Social Weeks of France, the OCHRES (the Christian Observatory of Business and ), at the Fondation des Apprentis d’Auteuil, and director of several social and health associations. Finally, he is a support volunteer at the Jeanne-Garnier medical center (palliative care) in Paris.

Hyperformance, listen to what the champions tell you

Bertrand Pulman – Hyperformance –

Benefit from the experience and advice of the greatest champions. You will never look at them like before again.
You will learn useful lessons in your everyday life.

Top athletes deliver fascinating and valuable lessons to anyone who knows how to listen. Confronted for a long time with complex and intense situations, they have developed capacities, not only physical, but also mental, allowing them to confront difficulties, to analyze opportunities and constraints, to seek solutions and to find them.

We are not all budding champions. But we all have the advantage of making the most of who we are, each in our place and according to our specific objectives. Whether in our professional life, or in more private registers of our existence, it is important that we manage to mobilize our resources as well as possible to achieve our goals and to help those around us to approach theirs.

Hence the interest of studying what the champions, their coaches, the physical and mental trainers, have to tell us. They teach us how to be at our best at the right time, how to maintain high levels of concentration, how to bounce back from failure, how to fit into a collective, as well as many other secrets of underperformance.

Bertrand Pulman is professor of sociology at the Sorbonne. He conducts research on health, sport, and the impact of scientific progress on social configurations. He founded the Think and Do Tank Vitalité, Sport & Entreprise, devoted to the health benefits of physical activity and sport. He has published numerous books including Rouge est la terre. Behind the scenes at Roland-Garros (Calmann-Lévy, 2013).

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