Introduction to ecosystem of start-ups and the tips how to enter French and Lithuanian markets?

Networking - visio


Connecting Pro People with its network offers you to create gateways between start-ups with Lithuania with the participation of

• The Embassy of Lithuania in France

• Start-Up Lithuania

Start-up WORLD, member and partner


October 8, 2020 (Thursday)

From 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (heures françaises) !
From 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (Lithuanian timetable) !

One line en english.

It is always a great pleasure for us to welcome economic players, open to the world, who combine “know-how” and “interpersonal skills”.

With dynamism and this authenticity in rich exchanges, 15 French and Lithuanian startups were able to meet, discuss their activities, share their expectations and discuss their cooperation wishes. After this first step, let’s continue, if you don’t mind!

It was a pleasure to welcome again, our Lithuanian friends, with his Excellency, Nerijus Aleksiejūnas, Ambassador of Lithuania in France who honored us with his presence, CHETCUTI-KIRKILAITE Daiva, Economic and Commercial Advisor for our regular exchanges for two years allowing us to help each other and to welcome Roberta Rudokiene who introduced you to the activities and actions of @Startup Lithuania (the equivalent of Station F for France).

Connecting Pro People would like to thank the participants, its speakers and Start-up WORLD partners and Anne Varin de la Brunelière, all passionate, with the same desire to help build bridges that are useful to everyone.

C’est toujours un immense plaisir pour nous d’accueillir des acteurs économiques, ouverts sur le monde, qui conjuguent “savoir-faire” et “savoir-être”.

Avec dynamisme et cette authenticité dans des échanges riches, 15 startups françaises et lituaniennes ont pu se rencontrer, échanger sur leurs activités, partager leurs attentes et évoquer leurs souhaits de coopérations. Après cette première étape, poursuivons donc, si vous le voulez bien !

Ce fût un plaisir d’accueillir à nouveau, nos amis lituaniens, avec son Excellence, Nerijus Aleksiejūnas, Ambassadeur de Lituanie en France qui nous a honoré de sa présence,  CHETCUTI-KIRKILAITE Daiva, Conseillère Economique et Commerciale pour nos échanges réguliers depuis deux ans nous permettant de vous aider les uns les autres et de recevoir Roberta Rudokiene qui vous a présenté les activités et actions de @Startup Lithuania (l’équivalent de Station F pour la France).

Connecting Pro People remercie les participants, ses intervenants et partenaires Start-up WORLD et Anne Varin de la Brunelière, tous passionnés, avec cette même volonté d’aider à construire ses passerelles utiles à chacun.

Find the full program below as well as the presentations of our speakers as well as the presentation of the participants who so wish.

Retrouvez le programme complet ci-dessous ainsi que les présentations de nos intervenants ainsi que la présentation des participants qui le souhaiteront.

When asked “what are your goals and challenges” entrepreneurs are often inexhaustible.

Moreover, entrepreneurs all have similar issues related to corporate governance, whatever the applicable market.

Why not make various leaders connect with one another to think together about solutions by sharing their respective experience?

At each event, a country is honoured so that the members of Connecting Pro People and Start-up WORLD can benefit from the feedback of a group of start-ups.

Each event helps to create and strengthen links between organizations in order to pursue and increase business synergies between professionals.

Lorsqu’on leur demande «quels sont vos objectifs et vos défis», les entrepreneurs sont souvent intarissables.

De plus, les entrepreneurs ont tous des problèmes similaires liés à la gouvernance d’entreprise, quel que soit le marché applicable.

Pourquoi ne pas faire en sorte que différents leaders se connectent les uns aux autres pour réfléchir ensemble à des solutions en partageant leur expérience respective ?


• Nerijus Aleksiejūnas,
Ambassadeur de la République de Lituanie en France 

> Presentation 

• Roberta Rudokienė, Head of “Startup Lithuania

> Presentation

• Anne Varin de la Brunelière,
Inspiring Organizations

> Presentation

• Daiva Chetcuti,
Conseillère économique et commerciale de l’ambassade de la République de Lituanie en France 

• Geneviève CLARKSON,
Founder of Sart-up WORLD

> Presentation

Programm (the event will be held in English)

• 2 PM – 2.05 PM: Welcome + Presentation of the concept of the event (Beatrice)
• 2.05 PM – 2.10 PM: Opening by the Embassy of Lithuania in France
• 2.10 PM – 2.20 PM: Presentation of Start-up Lithuania
• 2.20 PM – 2.25 PM : Presentation of Start-up WORLD
• 2.15PM  -2.20 PM : Paris Municipality or Pépite created J?
• 2.25 PM – 2.30 : Presentation of the brainstorming concept and of the course of the session by an expert in Co-development by Anne
• 2.30 PM – 3.45 PM: Presentation of the start-ups (15 start-ups including 7 Lithuanian ones, 4 Start-ups WORLD, 4 CPP)

3 minutes per Start-Up
1minute feedback/opportunity
1 minute Q & A

• 3.45 PM -3.50 PM: Announcement of upcoming events
• 3.50 PM – 3.55 PM: Questionnaire
• 3.55 PM – 4 PM : closing

Restons en contact !

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